Updating your Rental Agreement
By far, the self storage rental agreement is one of the most important tools in operating a self storage facility. Therefore, it is important for facility owners and operators to take the time to stop and review their agreement to confirm that the document they’re using is up to date and effective for its intended … Continue reading “Updating your Rental Agreement”
Coverages Every Self-Storage Facility Owner Needs
As a self-storage facility owner, you’ve put a lot of work into your business. There are plenty of jobs that you have to take care of every day whether it’s managing staff, paying bills or marketing your services. If you haven’t done it already, getting the right insurance to protect your assets should be at … Continue reading “Coverages Every Self-Storage Facility Owner Needs”
Accidents That Can Happen at a Self-Storage Facility and How to be Protected
When you own a self-storage facility, liability coverage should be at the top of your list. There are many ways that customers and vendors can injure themselves on your property, even when you do everything to make it a safe place. Your self-storage facility insurance is your first line of defense when it comes to … Continue reading “Accidents That Can Happen at a Self-Storage Facility and How to be Protected”
Security Updates for a Storage Facility: What Can Help Most?
Self-storage facilities are at great risk for injuries, theft, vandalism and other types of property damage. It’s important to provide a safe environment for your patrons and your employees to protect their property and well-being. One way to protect your business against perils is with a self-storage facility insurance policy. StorInsure provides insurance for self-storage … Continue reading “Security Updates for a Storage Facility: What Can Help Most?”
New State Requirements for Your Self-Storage Facility: What You Need to Know
New state requirements for self-storage facility owners provides regulations regarding auctions and other factors related to tenants. The agents at StorInsure can answer questions related to self-storage facility owners insurance. Such an indemnity policy should make room for auctions. When are items auctioned off at a storage facility? Storage facility owners have the right to … Continue reading “New State Requirements for Your Self-Storage Facility: What You Need to Know”
Avoiding a Pest Infestation in Your Storage Facility
As an owner of a self-storage facility, you’re likely familiar with the possibility of pest infestations. Given that people are bringing their personal belongings from many different places, the likelihood of pests coming in at some point can be high. Though it is impossible to know the condition of the places the items are coming … Continue reading “Avoiding a Pest Infestation in Your Storage Facility”
How to Keep Security Up to Date During the Holidays
It’s holiday season and it’s common to see more traffic in storage facilities at this time. An increase in customers can create the need for more security to ensure that everyone, and their belongings, are safe. As a business owner, it is a must to keep security up to date to avoid potential safety issues. … Continue reading “How to Keep Security Up to Date During the Holidays”
Considering the New Year: Time for a Policy Update?
The year 2020 is upon us which means it is a great time to review matters associated with running a business. If you own a self-storage facility, this means that business processes and protections should be looked over to make sure they still fulfill the needs of your company. Self storage facility insurance is imperative … Continue reading “Considering the New Year: Time for a Policy Update?”
When to Discuss Your Storage Facility Insurance Policy with an Update
In business ownership, there is a need for constant review of insurance coverage as your company experiences changes. One problem that many businesses owners face is knowing when to review, and ultimately change, their insurance coverage. Insurance is a business matter that needs to be discussed with professionals who are experienced and can explain why … Continue reading “When to Discuss Your Storage Facility Insurance Policy with an Update”
Keeping Your Storage Facility Festive During the Holidays
We have now reached that time of year again when the holiday season is upon us. As this time is commemorated, many businesses will opt to decorate their facility for a more festive feel. This can be a fun time, but caution must still be exercised when decorating for the holidays. Before giving your building … Continue reading “Keeping Your Storage Facility Festive During the Holidays”