coverage by self storage insurance




Security Updates for a Storage Facility: What Can Help Most?

theft opening the storage facilitySelf-storage facilities are at great risk for injuries, theft, vandalism and other types of property damage. It’s important to provide a safe environment for your patrons and your employees to protect their property and well-being. One way to protect your business against perils is with a self-storage facility insurance policy. StorInsure provides insurance for self-storage facility owners who need to protect their business assets against loss.

There are a number of ways to secure your self-storage facility such as:

Securing the perimeter – providing customers with a locked facility with limited access is a great way to protect their stored items. Industrial fencing and electronic gates will help stop criminals in their tracks when it comes to theft and property damage. It will also keep unwanted people off of the property.

Install lighting – when you have plenty of lighting on the property grounds, it will help stop accidents, theft and the opportunity for other criminal activities. Your employees will appreciate a well-lit area to help them complete their job duties.

Maintain the area – if you want to stop injuries from occurring, it’s important to keep the grounds clean and clear of debris. Many trip and fall accidents happen due to lack of proper maintenance. If a customer does get injured, then having self-storage facility insurance will help.

Security – installing professional-grade security cameras are an excellent way to keep your business safe. If a break-in does happen, it will be recorded as evidence for the police. You should also install an alarm system to alert you to unauthorized entries, fire and electrical issues.

Sometimes even the most secure facility will have accidents that are beyond your control, and that’s why StorInsure provides insurance for self-storage facility owners. The company offers comprehensive, transparent coverage that you can trust to protect your assets.