coverage by self storage insurance




How to Keep Customers Happy During a Renovation at Your Facility

making customer happyRenovations, though typically necessary, can be inconvenient, especially for customers. As there are structural changes happening, it is important to prioritize the safety of everyone who will enter your building. This consideration also helps keep customers happy as they are able to access storage units with no issues. In addition to making your space accessible, having self-storage facility insurance protects your company in the rare instance an injury or damage occurs. This insurance for self-storage facilities will cover many aspects related to the renovations so that you can focus on customer retention instead of worrying about damage or injury.

How To Keep Customers Happy During Renovations
As the structural changes are underway at your location, customer satisfaction is likely at the top of your list of priorities. There are ways that you can maintain customer happiness as you improve the look of your facility. At StorInsure, we recommend the following tips to make this transition easier for you and your clients:

Post signs. This may seem like a given, but proper signage, especially asking for pardons during construction, goes a long way. It is also important to place signs throughout the facility before the renovations start so that customers know to expect the upcoming renovations.

Keep customer items safe. Customers will be happy to know that their items will be safe and free of damage while the work is being done.

Maintain access. While your facility is being renovated, make sure that customers can still safely access their storage units. As long as they can, they shouldn’t be bothered by the renovations taking place.

As your site is renovated, you should have self-storage facility insurance to protect your business. Insurance for self-storage facilities covers your liability in any instance where damage or injury may occur. Let StorInsure explore coverage options with you.